Syracuse, New York

Syracuse, NY
Pop. 145,170Syracuse was named for the Sicilian city of Siracusa and is made up of various villages that joined the city over the years. Since its incorporation as a village in 1825, it has served as a major crossroads in the New York State through the development of the Erie Canal and a major railroad network. Once dominant industries like the Carrier air conditioning corporation have left the area, leaving Syracuse with health care and education as its main employers. Syracuse is the fifth most populous city in New York State.

  • Project Dates: February 5- March 12, 2008
  • Exhibition: An Atlas of Radical Cartography at the Redhouse Art Center
  • Collaborating Partners: Natalia Mount, David Clayton and the staff at the Redhouse, Lize Mogel and Alexis Bhagat
  • Notes: The local newspaper The Post Standard featured the map as a center spread of their Sunday entertainment section on February 17, 2008 (which  also featured an article dealing with the An Atlas of Radical Cartography exhibit. The staff at the Redhouse enthusiastically supported the project by continuing to use it at local art fairs and educational events after the exhibit had been completed.

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